Could Silver Nanoparticles be a New Tool for Managing Midges? Ent. Today, Sept. 2024
New Study Refines Trapping Strategy for Invasive Fly in Galapagos. Ent. Today, Mar. 2024
Estimating Bee Communities is a Tall Task, Analysis Shows. Ent. Today, Feb. 2024.
Honey Bees Unfazed by Vaporized Mosquito Repellent, Study Finds, Ent. Today, Dec. 2023.
Does Multiple Mating Help Spotted Lanterflies Spread? Ent. Today, September 2023.
Targeting Egg Masses In Winter Shows Promise for Spongy Moth Management. Ent. Today, June 2023.
How a Wasp and Geographic Data are Improving Surveillance for the Emerald Ash Borer. Ent. Today, May 2023.
Plant Pollen May Be Important Food Source for Some Mosquitoes in U.S. Ent. Today, Mar, 2023
Honey Bee Heat Warms Up Fellow Pollinators for Early-Season Blooms. Ent. Today, Feb 2023
Sunflowers Linked to Reduced Varroa Mite Infestation. Ent. Today, Jan. 2023
Could Carbon Dioxide Be a New Tool Against Varroa Mites? Ent. Today, Aug. 2022
New Study Advances Lab Rearing of Endangered Beetle. Ent. Today, May 2022
Study Examines Insects’ Role in Plastic Pollution. Ent. Today, March 2022
Keep on Ticking: Entomologist Tells of Ticks’ 27-Year Lifespan. Ent. Today, January, 2022
Why Giant Rub Their Abdomens on Bee Hives Before Attack. Ent. Today, December 2021
Back-Seat Driver: The Parasite that Makes Bees Drop Off Its Babies. Ent. Today, September 2021
P.M. Pollinators: Study Shines Light on Nocturnal Insects’ Role in Apple Production. Ent. Today, August 2021
Meet the Fungus that Slows the Spread of an Invasive Moth. Ent. Today, August 2021
Field Borders Provide Winter Refuge for Beneficial Predators and Parasitoids. Ent. Today, May 2021
This Old Bee House: Study Deems Hive Boxes Draughty, Inefficient. Ent. Today, April 2021.
Drought-Tolerant, Aphid-Hungry Lacewings Arrive in Americas. Ent. Today, February, 2021.
Gut Check: How Stink Bugs’ Insides Illuminate Their Eating Habits. Ent. Today, January 2021.
Scientists Stumble On Promising Repellent for Beetle Pest. Ent. Today, December 2020.
How Mitochondrial DNA Offers Clues to Giant Hornets’ Invasion. Ent. Today, October 2020
Just How Dangerous is the Murder Hornet? SciAm, June 2020.
Building a Better Bee Trap: Researchers Say Bee Bowls are Overused. Ent. Today, June, 2020
Slimy Mudflat Biofilm Feeds Migratory Birds. SciAm, June 2020.
For an Understudied Ant Genus, Two Researchers Choose a ‘Bird Guide’ ID Tool. Ent. Today, May 2020.
Rolled Cardboard Makes a Handy Insect Sampling Tool. Ent. Today, March 2020
Twenty-year Study Shows How Climate and Habitat Change Impact One Mantid Species. Ent. Today, February 2020.
Advanced Morphology Techniques Reveal Tobacco Hornworm Secrets. Ent. Today, January 2020
The Honey Bees Most Fearsome Enemy. Undark. September 2019.
For Mass-Sterile Fruit Flies, Fewer Males Means More Efficient Mating. Entomology Today August 2019
Surprise: Bees Need Meat. Scientific American. August 2019.
Research That’s For the Birds: Grazed Land Increases Insect Food Supply for Sage Grouse. Entomology Today. July 2019.
An Unhealthy Alliance between Almonds and Honeybees. The Food and Environmental Reporting Network/Huffpost. June 2019.
How Milkweed Location Influences Monarch Egg-Laying Survival. Entomology Today. May 2019.
A Promising Backup to the Honeybee Is Shut Down. Scientific American. March 2018
Building a Backup Bee, Text by Paige Embry, Photos by Jay Dunn. The Food and Environmental Reporting Network (FERN)/Scientific American. March 2018.
The Great Sunflower Project, Text by Paige Embry, Horticulture, Mar/April 2018. Excerpt on the Hort Mag website.
Here’s the BOB: Horticulture. May/June 2016.
Geology of the Arboretum, Part 2: There’s Soil Under Them There Plants!. Washington Park Arboretum Bulletin. Fall 2014. pdf
The Bees Knees. Horticulture. September/October 2014. pdf
Geology of the Arboretum, Part 1: Blame the Ice Age for Your Dirt! Washington Park Arboretum Bulletin. Summer 2014. pdf
Saruma henryi: The Intriguing History Behind its Name. The American Gardener. March/April 2014. pdf
The Old South Meets the New: The Atlanta Botanical Garden. Washington Park Arboretum Bulletin. Fall 2012. Part 1, Part 2